Wednesday 26 December 2007

Day before Christmas.

The night before Christmas, my friends and I went to EMUSJ to countdown!

Mr.Forgot already and Pastor Yu Hoo.

The church is somewhere at USJ1, I sure get lost finding it. Thanks to Zhanwei who bring us there.

The first thing I notice is the amount of CHILDREN in the church.WAUU!!they are nearly as many as the adults but twice the NOISE!

Thankfully I still can listen to what the Pastor is saying.
There is a skit as well, i didn't record it, but it kinda made me a little teary eyed, it was so meaningful. I regret I didn't record it.

It was about human temptation to avoid the presence of God with earthly things e.g Cash, Fame etc. They way they act very effective.

After all that, its food time!!

From Siu Mai to nyonya food to kuih to Mamak food. No more food pics so none will get hungry reading this.

And Christmas is not complete without gift exchange!

That's my hand modelling, but that's NOT my gift though.

Minimum budget is RM15 for the gift.

Children waiting for the gifts!

Official photographer of the night, Ying Wei with his D80.

-Thanks to Ying Wei and his assistant for the some pics for this post-

Me & Yu En at the gift exchange corner.

I got a Santa Decor to put on the table, I gave away a BIG Christmas Stocking.

And once it was all done, it was 11.58, we rush down and wait for the countdown!

After that, we went home and rest for the actual day events. Story on it next post!!

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