Panda's Birthday!
So it was a once a year event I cannot missed and I have to plan well! hahah!!
Fortunately everyone was free ( actually..only 2 of us XD) is free on that thursday evening, then I took her for a ride to a random place. All the plans was undisclosed for the evening!
(Sorry, not many pictures, my camera is bad and I was busy talking eating away! hehe)
First, we had her birthday dinner a none other than TGIF Pyramid!The drinks for the evening! November Sea Breeze and Ice Lemon Tea.
She ordered the Appetizer and Entree Combo as she was very very hungry that night, I just order Jack Daniels burger. I thought it was too little and I standby to other dessert.
Or so I thought...
The portion was so HUGE, we could hardly finish it! hahah!The appetizer, morazella cheese macaroni inside some cube. tasty cheezyness!
It's being awhile since we had a long chat, we were sooo busy with test/quizes/assignment/work =S so it was really a good dinner date out!Her Tuscan Chicken Sandwich, didn't manage to have a taste of it, she ate all up before I can even taste a bite of it! haha!
If you want see more pictures, please proceed to Rachel's blog XDThe hungry birthday girl! hehe!
So, if anyone knows TGIF tradition, a birthday boy/girl has to stand up on the chair, give a speech, blow candles from very impossible distance etc, Yup, she did all that, I'm sure she enjoyed it! haha!
This is the speech video XD hehe!
This is the blow candle video.
I didn't have time to take pictures of the presents as I kinda got it last mint, rushing alot as that week I was kinda busy! pai seh pai seh!
Then we went and watch Marley & Me, it was a really really good movie, laugh super alot, a great disstresser movie, and great to watch with someone!
After that we head home and that's it. I'm thankful everything went as plan, the food was good, the movie was great, the company was the best XD
Happy 19th Birthday, hope all your wishes come true!!
Now back to Partial Differential Equation T.T
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